ah dammit i just lost my tech deck huhuhuhuhuhu T_T (lebay). abis sedih sih. td gua ke pasar senen (lagi) sama sab, rangga, kiki, emak tante dan teman2nya. seneng sih dapet barang banyak, tp techdecknya... sebenernya gak ilang sih, cuma jatoh ke tempat yg tidak dapat dijangkau. crap i shouldnt brought that to senen. and yeah...that's probably the best techdeck that i have for now. well now it's 'i had' actually. i made the kicks higher, and i was planning to make the deck blank, so it doesn't have any graphics. god it would be so cool..
Itu sih minta dielus, tapi malah digampar
6 tahun yang lalu
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